

Speech by Jose Mario Emmanuel Vialia Salvador

President, A.S.C.A. Overseas Cultural Exchange

 at the 6th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, Nov.26,2005,Rome




For since the beginning of time, the wisest of men all over the world have sought to solve the riddle of peace.  And some have succeeded personally while others are still trying.   Even today, mankind drifts in this sea of inertia.


Men’s problems are met with the old solutions.  Novel questions are answered with ancient formulas.


Is it not a paradox that man who seeks to master the firmament and has unraveled the mystery of the Atom must grovel to be scourged at the feet of his ancient enemies- war, disease and hunger?


Lands are plenty but there is want; - in a world of science, there is illness.

Man, the master and the king of all creations, is slave to his own heritage.


So many have come to this ancient capital of Rome, these last three day, to seek the elusive quality-to raise their voice for food for the needy, healing for the sick, education for the illiterate and for peace in Africa and the world.  But the quest is more urgent.  This search is more personal.  For it involves peoples and lands.


This occasion of this Conference has been, as I see, the meeting to lay the basis for the solution to the problems in Africa and the rest of the world.  Its an attempt of all here for the last three days to initiate in this gathering to promote understanding to terminate a bitter conflict as well as to pioneer, even as hostilities are in progress, in the eradication of the adverse African economic and social environment that can trigger and escalate more problems.


One looks for peace for today, and the next looks for peace in the long run.


As the chronicler in history will look in vain for a parallel in the annals of men, once again, lets re-assert in ideals and principles which may later be the historians verdict as humanity’s most noble achievement of our time------. The assumption of international responsibility for the entire human family.  In coming to Rome, you have brought all the people as a signal of honor.


On behalf of my organization, ASCA, (Astral Science and Consciousness Association) my organization which has been involved in the various activities in Asia so far. We have had kindergartens built.  We have had elementary schools built.  We have also had scholarship fund programs.  We have also had a hospital built for the needy.  I also would like to see someday that our organization will expand activities and reach as many as possible in Africa and also the rest of the world.


Your presence here today alone-the mere fact of seeking common counsel- is an achievement.  For by this Act alone, you have all advanced the frontiers of human Nobility.


I hope that all the organizers, distinguished guests and participants have agreed to come, its good to them all come here as a member to offer help in planning and developing measures that will end the causes of war, disease and hunger and to encourage initiatives in the quest for peace and this is a triumph and tribute and recognition of the validity of the aims of this conference.    …………all those things.


This conference itself is an eloquent proof of a momentous new factor in the world situation- the generous and enlightened acceptance by all of their share and responsibility for the peace and progress of Africa, the mere participation of and all present here who have come to Rome to listen to take counsel, and to co-operate in devising a unified plan for the solution of African is commendable and that all have come here fully prepared to expose themselves to thought and feeling is an earnest and constructive role and desire to play in this part of the world. That, I see, is very very, very admirable(?).


The presence here, of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, distinguished guests and friends underlies the confluence at this meeting of the vital Interests.  Bordering Africa and the whole world, perhaps the most crucial area today from the stand point of International peace and security.


We have been drawn together in Unity by the counsel of faith and hope.  If our will to face up to the problems is strong enough, and that all of us pledge our resources, Intellectually or otherwise to solving, then we will succeed in the African region in near future.


There are skeptical tolerances, from friends and frank hostility from detractors, but men of goodwill everywhere, want and expect this conference to raise the quest for a New Africa to a new summit of Hope and probability.


By achieving this, it will be known to history that this Conference and ………the distinguished guests and the organizers have promoted peace and justice.

This conference has proceed in the last three days in this noble task, deterred, neither by the detractors nor by the ridicule, resolved that their efforts shall not end with this meeting alone but shall go on forward not only by ourselves acting individually, but also acting as a group but in co-operation with all animated with the same noble objectives.


I hope that concerted efforts, during and after this conference, will enlist the co-operation of other countries as well regardless of economic systems or political ideology.


Experience teaches us that the pursuit of goodwill is a long and tedious process.  This conference has marked the beginning of such a process.


The world has had enough of violence and war; through thousands of years the weapons of war have followed each other in rapid obsolescence.  Today war itself must become obsolete.  Otherwise, it will consume all of us ? regardless of what we believe in.


Only then, may the poorer countries gather strength and opportunity to accelerate their own social and economic advancement and to bridge the gap between the rich and the poorer countries. To advance the cause of the so called global social justice itself.  And, only then may human dignity be accepted as an inalienable right and heritage of every man, of every land, in every stage of development and progress.


In such a climate of sustained peace, the claims of national allegiance can begin to give way to a larger claim of a unified humanity, a new dedication to the ideals of mankind that transcend the interests of nations.


This is my humble prayer and thought, and I hope someday, everybody will feel the same way.

Let us now all fill our hearts with the same spirit moving forward the initiatives of this Conference, and that all may also have the grace and the wisdom to look into ourselves and beyond, and in so doing, see the weaknesses and strengths of all and reach out to help Africa and also the rest of the world and help them rebuild the lives of every Soul to begin a new and better future.


Let those who lead here, governments, and all others act with limpness but with humility, with humility but with wisdom, with wisdom but with justice, with justice but with compassion and follow the true principles and duties of being men and being members of a community of men to achieve a lasting peace, prosperity and salvation for all.


Let all the nations tormented by war and violence ask their people to cleanse themselves of their anger, their bitterness and their recriminations of war, and violence and the effects as such in these nations and to spare them the anxieties of the present to raise a community of men in Africa and the World who will be their own strength today and their own warranty against the future to come.


Peace be with you,

I thank you.