

Details of the Actvities


The details of the activities in which the above non-profit organization engages in order to fulfill its purpose.

1) To engage in publishing, conducting workshops, lectures and seminars as a part of cultural education activities, the purpose of which would be to promote world peace.

2) To engage in establishing scholarship funds, opening educational institutions overseas, as a part of cultural education activities, the purpose of which would be to contribute to sound education of children.

3) To engage in social welfare activates overseas as a part of internationally collaborating activity to protect human rights.

4) To engage in collaborating with other international organizations that engage in activities for world peace, protecting human rights and preserving the environment in order to engage in activities to promote world peace, to protect human rights and to preserve the environment.

5) To engage in supporting and promoting medical services, social welfare, scholastic works, cultural, art, and sports activities.

6) To engage in other activities related to all of the above.